Friday, May 29, 2020
The Upside to Essay Writing of Science for People
The Upside to Essay Writing of Science for People Essay Writing of Science for People Secrets There are a lot of AP environmental science essay questions you're able to dwell upon. If you need to perform essay assignment and wish to do it at top-notch level, Essay-Writing-Tips. There's a plethora of reasons why students may fail to be in a position to compose their essays and the reason why they would require a paper writing service to help them out. If you search online, you can discover a range of internet essay writers. Introduction of scientific researches, suggestions and techniques to the area of education has brought a massive amount of positive shift in the new generation and provided them variety of new and advanced opportunities to work in the area of their own interest. There are lots of sources of energy. Some individuals also believe that it isn't environmentally friendly to use all the benefits of scientific progresses. Likewise quick way of communication have brought the peoples of earth together. The New Angle On Essay Writing of Science for People Just Released Sooner or later, however, remember that excellent writing doesn't happen by accident. Thus, let's say you've resolved to seek the services of an essay writing service the largest struggle is to spot which business is the most appropriate for your requirements. When you opt to get assistance from our cheap paper writing service, you shouldn't fret about the individual who will work on your task. With the demand for writing help increasing, various paper writing services are established to assist you with your writing tasks. The Ideal Strategy for Essay Writing of Science for People Be certain you have included everything that you would like to be incorporated into your paper. The first thing you ought to understand about our essay writing service, is that you're likely to have. How much you could earn while your paper work is being done by somebody, who knows the way t o do it correctly! You should don't forget that scientific writing in natural science wants a lot of preliminary work. The Little-Known Secrets to Essay Writing of Science for People Elect for a school in which you're likely to be challenged and succeed. Hence, it is a difficult work but gives students the chance to create progress quickly for their master programmes. Research has indicated that the ideas pupils bring to science lessons have a meaningful effect on learning outcomes together with having the ability to express themselves in the simplest way possible since they are the next generation of scientists. Some people think that history has to be taught in the main schools, whereas, other think that the priority ought to be supplied to the subjects like Science and Technology. Today, there are tons of expert essay writers ready to supply help. In here you'll observe examples on various subjects in some specific formatting styles and of distinct kinds of essays. In h ere you'll discover a lot of helpful suggestions on essay writing process. There are lots of on-line essay writing services to aid you with your writing tasks. Together with the UK Essay Help undergraduates cannot be worried about the time but delight in a comprehensive life. People today underestimate precisely how difficult it's to be a student. Students will remember that not all write my essay online providers can stand. Therefore, many students and employees decide to obtain low-cost essay rather than writing it themselves. All over the Universe is going to be available for traveling in a couple of centuries with further evolution of the space market. Science is an essential part of contemporary culture. Science and technology has altered the lives of people to a large extent. In today's world, it have become an integral part of human life. Essay Writing of Science for People Explained English, management, business regardless of what field of study you're in, you'r e likely to get to write some essays. The category of company and finance might appear academic to many, but for folks that are interested in it, there's a wide selection of topics to choose from. Be part of our happy clients who have found the very best essay service online and are enjoying the advantages of it. It's understandable that one may find support from time to time, which is just what the goal of custom writing services is. Want to Know More About Essay Writing of Science for People? You don't have to fill numerous order forms, get a great deal of passwords at virtually every step of order. The deal is the fact that it is also employed for some destructive purposes. If you purchase essays online, it's really important to understand whether the work is still in process or has been finished. Our 1-hour essay writing service may be ideal solution for you. Up in Arms About Essay Writing of Science for People? Social science essays provide you with an opportunity to present your opinion and speak up. For science to be distinctive, teachers should make certain that if teaching a particular topic in the topic, the facts have to be taught through context. Even the most well-known examples need context. Instead, start the moment the assignment is given so that you are able to have ample time to choose a topic, do your research and produce the last draft. A 1 hour essay deadline may be true problem, if you aren't good enough at writing and expressing your ideas on a topic you aren't really interested in. Therefore, should you need assistance with assignment writing, look no more. When it has to do with academic papers, occasionally it can not be possible to fulfill all deadlines and stick to high academic standards. Whispered Essay Writing of Science for People Secrets In present days it's quite necessary for all of us to step forward with the rapid evolution of science and technology. The value of science and technology in our everyday l ife is immense. Due to the growth of Science, men are at present able to explore different planets. For the correct growth and maturation of the nation, it's very required to go science and technology hand in hand. Details of Essay Writing of Science for People 1 approach to consider the conclusion is, paradoxically, as a second introduction since it does actually contain a number of the exact same capabilities. Inside my opinion, all individuals want to learn about other people attitudes to enhance their life and don't repeat other people mistakes or remember their victory to motivate themselves. Short sentences have a bigger impact. Frequently, due to the uniqueness of the institution or the department, the student is confronted with the simple fact that he couldn't locate the material on the topic by giving the job. So, no surprise that it plays a major role in today's life of individuals. On the off chance that you get the opportunity to see negative and impolite remar ks then it's most effective to come across another establishment. With our essay help you may be certain nobody shall get a better mark for the work than you. The truly amazing thing about science is there are so many topics you're able to write about regardless of which course you're taking.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Fast Food Is Bad For Our Health - 855 Words
Intro Quick, delicious, and hot that’s all people think when they are getting fast food for them and their family so they went have to cook. You can get fast food almost on every corner of a street and on any continent you go to. Fast food is now starting to invade non fast food eater’s lives by offering so called health items on the menu. Fast food is everywhere and people don’t consider what’s in the fast food they eat. What it could do to our health and why you feel sluggish, and when I go will I get a rude employee because her boss was angry at her, how people gain weight and overweight people still eating fast food. Body paragraph 1. What it could do to our health and why you feel sluggish a) Fast food affects everyone who eats it rather you know it or not. All fast food is bad for you, even down to a simple salads that you eat, because after you add all the dressings and the pop to it even if its diet pop it drives up your sodium, sugar and calories levels. People don’t think about how the food is process and how this process give the food its taste and all the calories that go with it. (As the old saying goes: You are what you eat.)(pg). I have found even after eating from a fast food restaurant I feeling tried, sluggish, and lazy because the food was so heavy in fat and carbohydrates. (That is one of the main reasons people buy fast food; it has been carefully designed to taste good.)(pg) Fast food has so many health concerns, if you eat fast food daily you couldShow MoreRelatedFast Food Is Bad For Our Health Essay928 Words  | 4 PagesFast food, we all eat it sometimes, but do we honestly know what we are consuming. Did you know that fast food can lead to various types of illness? For example, a heart attack or a lack of energy can be a result of eating fast food. Fast food has become a very important meal to America. Almost a quarter of Americans suffer from fast foods dangerous effects (Health line). Did you know that some people even die as a result of eating fast food. Fast food is a part of our today. Many of you know thatRead MoreFast Food Is Getting Better By The Year Essay1113 Words  | 5 PagesFast food is getting better by the year. You can see how restaurants now have calorie information on the menu. McDonald s is a good example of this, they have been reducing the intake from their products. Michael Pollan claims that processed foods are the main reason why we are being exposed to heart decease, diabetes, and cancer. Theoretically, he could be right. David Zinczenko, Mary Maxfield, and David H. Freedman are the authors that I chose to show their points on why I disagree with Pollan’sRead MoreHow Fast Food Is Addictive1436 Words  | 6 Pagestopic of fast food, most of us will readily agree that it’s unhealthy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether it causes addiction. While some are convinced that it doesn’t, others are convinced that advertisements help brain wash the new generation. Along with the chemicals added to the fast food to help contribute to the addiction cycle. My own view is that fast food is addictive. In my point of view fast food is addictive because it seems that the more fast foodRead MoreCritical Thinking Questions From The Movie Super Size Me976 Words  | 4 Pagesjust make my own healthy food diet. I started to eat out more because of my job and having a car to drive to restaurants and fast food places so I could satisfy my hunger. I think it made a great valid point because there is so much evidence and It shows you that eating at fast food places like McDonald’s is bad for you and your health. 2. What do you think the relationship is between fast food and obesity? Do you think suing places like McDonalds is a good solution to our nation’s obesity problemRead MoreWhat You Eat Is Your Business1315 Words  | 6 Pagesweeks to buy food. Given the little time and lack of food, the options can be slim, but fast food addictions can cause you to make bad choices too. So when does a bad options start to become and addiction, and how do we fix both problems? Do we focus on government control, or allow the public to keep eating processed foods? In an article written by Radley Balko titled â€Å"what you eat is your business†published on May 23, 2004, Balko informs us that giving the government control of the food industryRead MoreFast Food : Good Or Bad?839 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 103 2 October 2014 Fast Food: Good or Bad? Each day one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant. Fast food may be one of the, if not the worst thing that could be eaten. Between its high sodium and its high salt intake, or itbeing one of the leading causes to obesity and diabetes, eating fast food is a big no no! Fast food can cut off 17-27 years off of one’s life and one in every three children born in the year 2000 will have diabetes. Eating fast food is also extremely unhealthyRead MoreFast Food Is Bad For You1377 Words  | 6 PagesIt is not a secret that fast food is bad for you, however people believe that there is nothing wrong with eating fast food in moderation. It really comes down to ignorance being blissful. Our bodies are like vehicles. You want the best fuel for the car, but does fast food provide the right fuel for your body? The fast food industry gives that option to people, giving regular gas when gas-guzzler’s require premium fuel. The main reason fast food should be foods to avoid is an obvious one: it can leadRead MoreDisadvantages of Fast Food1038 Words  | 5 Pages9:35-11:00 Dr. Gill Disadvantages of Fast Foods Time is money. This is the new buzzword in today’s world. People are now spending more time by running after money then spending time on their daily activities. No wonder fast food is on the rise. May people do not realize that fast food is a slow death. It has many disadvantages, as it is unhealthy, expensive and causes many diseases. Even though, fast food is the fastest way to feed our hunger, it is not healthy at allRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article How Junk Food Can End Obesity844 Words  | 4 Pagesincreases the risk for health problems or concerns. The most concerning part of America’s obesity epidemic is the percentage that affects the children. The major question, is can we as Americans do anything to change the obesity rate? In the article â€Å"How Junk Food Can End Obesity,†the author David H. Freeman demonstrates how so many people are very poorly informed on the facts of processed foods and how bad it is for one’s health, he goes on to explain how wholesome foods are supposed to be primarilyRead MoreFast Food Essay936 Words  | 4 PagesFood is a necessity in life. In making the right choices, we can have a healthy life. Sadly, America is not making those healthy choices. Contrary to our education and information about junk food, the fast food industry is still ever growing to this day. The fast food industry in America is an excellently funded, well-oiled machine that will not stop until we make better choices as consumers. Big business is winning, profits are garnered but unfortunately Americans are losing years of their lives
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Tips For Writing a College Essay
<h1>Tips For Writing a College Essay</h1><p>The school article is one of the most significant pieces of the creative cycle. It is the main acquaintance of an undergrad with the teacher and the school. The teacher works admirably by posing straightforward inquiries that diagram the nuts and bolts of the subject of the paper.</p><p></p><p>It is the way in to your training and learning. It takes the entirety of the diverse topic to the class brain and places it into a solitary target. The substance places the entirety of the past information in their appropriate setting and clarifies them such that an individual can get it. Also, it is a key instrument in the planning of the test.</p><p></p><p>This might be overwhelming for some scholars. It is positively an overwhelming assignment for any understudy who has not been presented to the exposition group previously. In the event that you are inexperienced with the arrangement of a school exposition, you might need to find out about what it is. There are a couple of things that you should know to make the way toward composing a school article a piece easier.</p><p></p><p>The school paper must be short and brief. In the event that you need to present a subject that goes over extensive stretch of time, you should employ an expert to do the task for you. Rather, you can get your school article composed for you without an interview.</p><p></p><p>If you need to utilize models from secondary school exposition, you will need to utilize those models when you are composing your school paper. The school article is unmistakable and must be. In the event that you talk about a white Hart or brilliant retriever it probably won't make an interpretation of well into a school paper. Secondary school understudies were certainly making an effort not to compose papers on an assortment of subjects.</p><p></p>& lt;p>However, in the event that you utilize precisely the same model all through the exposition you will be in a difficult situation. It isn't the purpose of the article to be special yet make it progressively justifiable for the peruser won't be the objective. On the off chance that the article is expected to be silly, at that point the crowd is extremely expansive and this kind of composing will work best. It isn't important to remember models for the school essay.</p><p></p><p>There are a great deal of tips that will assist you with the school exposition. Simply follow the general tips for composing a school exposition and you will be en route to composing a powerful article. Make sure to likewise think about the size of the crowd. On the off chance that your crowd is chiefly college understudies, at that point you might need to go with a model they are increasingly recognizable with.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Importance Of Research Paper Topics
<h1>The Importance Of Research Paper Topics</h1><p>There are numerous acceptable research paper points on Nazi Germany and the Second World War. The point can be about the idea of the National Socialist Movement, Hitler, the insignia, the inceptions of the German Wehrmacht, etc. These subjects can be utilized for your exploration paper in the event that you pick them carefully.</p><p></p><p>For model, an ongoing investigation of youthful British Muslims on points, for example, religion, otherworldliness and instruction has featured a few issues with Islam, particularly concerning the way that numerous youthful Muslims don't feel some portion of the standard culture and that an absence of chances in the UK implies that they don't talk about issues, for example, these transparently. These themes could shape some portion of your exploration paper.</p><p></p><p>In request to give your examination paper subjects the most co nceivable effect you should have the option to pick well and to show that the exploration has a viable premise as far as genuine models. A great deal of good research papers really have a quality of research and hypothesis behind them, however on the off chance that you haven't had the option to carry any guides to the surface, at that point it will be difficult to be convincing.</p><p></p><p>In actuality, one of the most significant reasons why you ought to pick great research paper subjects is that it causes you show signs of improvement. In the event that you need to begin without any preparation, it is anything but difficult to become mixed up in the subtleties of the models and pass up the principle points.</p><p></p><p>Good inquire about paper subjects can likewise serve to invigorate conversation and discussion inside your college or school. You may think that its valuable to work in your exploration paper to interface this to a portion of the subjects that are being talked about by others inside the setting of the flow scholastic debate.</p><p></p><p>One of the principle focal points of utilizing these examination paper themes is that they give you a very much archived review of a specific region of recorded intrigue and they are bound to be perused and comprehended by different scholastics and understudies. What's more, they may even end up being helpful as far as your profession prospects.</p><p></p><p>Because of the noticeable quality of Hitler and the Nazis as far as history, explore paper points that manage the Third Reich and Nazi Germany will in general pull in unmistakably more consideration than subjects managing prior or progressively darken governments. Numerous colleges, especially in the humanities, have consistently been more intrigued by such subjects than in the sciences.</p><p></p><p>It is thusly extremely simple to p erceive any reason why looking into these exploration paper points can majorly affect your profession. They can have a significant effect between an unremarkable scholastic profession and one of achievement and renown.</p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Augustine Medical, Inc. - 1044 Words
Augustine Medical, Inc. The Bair Hugger ® Patient Warming System Problem: August Medical, Inc. was incorporated as a Minnesota corporation to develop and market products for hospital operating rooms and postoperative recovery rooms. And the main problem of Bair Hugger patient Warming System is how to price this system and how to compete to other competitors. SWOT Analysis: Strength | weakness | 1. The system has a good structure design.2. Warm air makes patients feel warm and stop shivering.3. The system cannot cause burns and water leaks around electrical equipment are not a problem, as they are with water-circulating blankets.4. The disposable blankets eliminate the potential for cross-contamination among patients.5. The system†¦show more content†¦We assume the price of heater/blower is P1; the price of blanket is P2. V1 stands for volume of heater/blower; V2 stands for volume of blanket. So the minimum revenues= $500,000 + (0.3P+380)*V1 + (0.4P1+0.85)*V2 Breakeven = fixed cost/margin = total dollar fixed costs/ unit selling price –unit variable costs So Breakeven = 500000/ (0.7P-380) + (0.6P1-0.85) EXHBIT 1: Break-even analysis for postoperative patients who need blankets: Surgical operations are performed annually | $21000000 | More than seven beds hospital needed | 1-20% =80% | Percentage of postoperative is hypothermic | 60-80% | Patients who need blanketsFrom 60%-80 | 21,000,000*80%*60%=10,080,000 | | 21,000,000*80%*80%=13,440,000 | Exhibit 2 An estimated breakdown of the number of postoperative hospital beds and the percentage of surgical operations is shown below: Number of postoperative | Number of hospitals | Estimated percentage of surgical operations | 0 | 1,608 | 0% | 1-6 | 3,602 | 20 | 7-11 | 1,281 | 40 | 12-17 | 391 | 20 | 18-22 | 135 | 10 | 23-28 | 47 | 6 | 29-33 | 17 | 2 | gt;33 | 17 | 2 | AH1: We can assume the blanket price is $26, because the list from $20 to $26, and we don’t charge the heater/blower. Due to the good facility, we can set the market share at 15%, so the blanket unit =31,365*60%*15%/8=352. Breakeven for blankets= (352*380 + 500,000) / (0.6*$26-0.85) = 42,966Show MoreRelatedAugustine Medical, Inc.1961 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction ( Background and Situation) Augustine Medical, Inc. was founded by Dr. Scott Augustine, an anesthesiologist from Minnesota, in 1987. The company was created to develop and market products for hospital operating rooms and postoperative recovery rooms. The company provides innovative solutions to combat postoperative conditions such as hypothermia. Medical research indicates that 60 to 80 percent of all postoperative recovery room patients are clinically hypothermic. Hypothermia isRead More Augustine Medical, Inc. Essay1891 Words  | 8 PagesAugustine Medical, Inc. Introduction ( Background and Situation) Augustine Medical, Inc. was founded by Dr. Scott Augustine, an anesthesiologist from Minnesota, in 1987. The company was created to develop and market products for hospital operating rooms and postoperative recovery rooms. The company provides innovative solutions to combat postoperative conditions such as hypothermia. Medical research indicates that 60 to 80 percent of all postoperative recovery room patients are clinicallyRead MoreAugustines Medical Case Analysis Essay1761 Words  | 8 PagesAUGUSTINE MEDICAL, INC. CASE ANALYSIS THE BAIR HUGGER PATIENT WARMING SYSTEM I. Factual Summary: * The United States does not currently have an established warm-air technology blanket market. * The Bair Hugger Patient Warming System product is not a consumer device. The main users of this product consist of businesses and hospitals. * Hospitals will always be provided funding necessary to prevent hypothermia and other diseases; as a result a demand will consistently be commonRead MoreAugustine Medical Case Study1763 Words  | 8 Pagesheater/blower unit and disposable warming covers. The ultimate problem facing Augustine Medical, Inc. is how to price theses two components of the product and how to position it compared to its competitors. There are many substitutes available for hospitals to treat and prevent hypothermia. However, there are many disadvantages to the variety of other devices which virtually treat the same condition. Augustine Medical believes that their product is superior to their competitors’ products. S.WRead More Marketing Research For Augustine Medical Essay2527 Words  | 11 PagesMarketing Research For Augustine Medical This report references exhibits and appendices not included within the document Executive summary By early 1988, Augustine Medical executives were actively engaged in finalizing and marketing the program for the patient warming system named Bair Hugger Patient Warming System. The principal question yet to be resolved was how to price this system. Several considerations are required in terms of organizational objectives, demand for the product, customerRead MoreAugustine Medical Case2849 Words  | 12 PagesAUGUSTINE MEDICAL, INC. The Bair Hugger Patient Warming System Winston Rivero MK 4900 Prof. H. Barksdale October 16th, 2012 Industry Analysis: †¢ Many competitive technologies are available for the prevention and treatment of postoperative hypothermia. The fall into the two categories: o Surface Warming ââ€" ª Warmed hospital blankets ââ€" ª Water-circulating blankets ââ€" ª Air-circulating blankets and mattresses Read More Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay4185 Words  | 17 Pagespresident’s reluctance to address this question does not mean that this and related questions are not proper topics for theological inquiry. And while in a pluralistic society a Christian theological analysis cannot dominateâ€â€as no less an authority than Augustine observed, civil law as opposed to church law must be based on a consensus of the governedâ€â€it should be articulated. Among the theological questions human embryonic stem cell research raises are the following: When does a human embryo becomeRead More Too Many Religions, Not Enough Truth Essay2557 Words  | 11 Pagesaffluent lives. Ornate churches and cathedrals around the world have been erected to please a chosen God. In many locations, right outside the boundary of a magnificent complex, thousands of people are living in squalor without clean water, food, and medical care, but the top brass live want-free lives. If God created the entire universe and this luscious, little planet, would a piece of architecture be of much importance to Him? The hoopla is for naught. Many Christian leaders in America preach prosperityRead MoreCritical Analysis of a TV Show: House4654 Words  | 19 Pagesbelieving in God is a sheer display of irrationality for which House has no tolerance. Similarly, House has been seen as somebody with low morals and practically no values which are required to function in a sociable manner in the society. Illegal medical procedures are seen as the basic tools used by House for treating his patients although the justification given behind such action is often acceptable. Such erotic behavior can cause disturbance in the society. Christian followers also believe thatRead MoreEssay on Discuss Homosexuality in the Beat Generation2114 Words  | 9 Pageslost, because they succumb to the effeminate paradigm of the state. In his investigation into the queertopian world of Burroughs, Russell refers to the state sponsored apparatus of control in `Naked Lunch. Russell argues that the political-medical establishment robs the gay male of his masculinity and conditions him to acquiescence...; the state-regulated identity of the fag . Burroughs satirises this and responds in `Naked Lunch, with the `talking ass-hole routine, where an anus interrupts
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How is Perks of being A WallFlower a Tragedy free essay sample
To begin, the quote â€Å"The World is full of suffering, but it is also full of the overcoming of it†(, 2013) by Hellen Keller has a strong meaning to encourage individuals to stand strong when a tragedy appears in life. In the novel, â€Å"The Perks of Being a Wallflower†by Stephen Chbosky the main character Charlie faces many tragedies in his developing years of life such as the self-inflicted death of his best friend Michael, the death of his aunt Helen who was his favorite person in the whole world and many other devastating experiences which affected his life. Firstly, one of the tragic elements portrayed in the novel is catastrophe. Catastrophe is something terrible that has happened which has changed the persons whole life around. One scenario of catastrophe in this novel occurs when Charlie’s best friend Michael Committed suicide right before high school was starting which left Charlie very miserable and impacted his social life negatively. We will write a custom essay sample on How is Perks of being A WallFlower a Tragedy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be. I try to think of my family as a reason for me being this way, especially after my friend Michael stopped going to school one day†(Chbosky, pg. 2-3). This quotation explains that Michael’s suicide made Charlie very unhappy. The second tragic element shown in this novel is remorse. Remorse means feeling guilty or regret for something you haven’t committed. An example of remorse shown in this novel is when Charlie’s Aunt Helen dies in a tragic car accident and Charlie feels as if it was his fault that she had passed away because she had gone out to buy him two birthday gifts like how she does every year.†Despite everything my mom and doctor and dad have said to me about blame, I can’t stop thinking about what I know. And I know that my Aunt Helen would still be alive today if she just bought me one present like everybody else. She would be alive if I were born on a day that didn’t snow. I would do anything to make this go away. I miss her terribly. I have to stop writing now because I am to sad†(Chbosky. Pg.92). This quote explains how Charlie feels that it’s his fault that his aunt Helen died and that if she didn’t have to buy him gifts she would still be with him today. â€Å"The perks of being A Wallflower†contains these two tragic elements: Remorse and catastrophe, using Michael and Aunt Helen. Secondly, Charlie is a tragic hero because he went through so much in his early years such as going through major stressors which can cause depression. He stayed strong through all of it, no matter how hard the times got. To begin, at this point in Charlie’s life, he has lost friends and family members which have left him scarred emotionally. For example, Susan his ex- best friend does not talk to Charlie anymore after their best friend Michael killed himself; she’s a whole different person in high school.†But because things change. And friends leave. And life doesn’t stop for anybody†(Chbosky. Pg.145). This shows that Charlie realizes that nothing ever remain the same. Things happen, people change, and everyone moves on in life. Adding on, he is also a tragic hero because Charlie has an ability to move on in life, he doesn’t let tragic events keep him down, he finds a way to overcome it and always find some way to move on in life. â€Å"So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe well never know most of them. But even if we dont have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them†(Chbosky. Pg.211). This quote means that we are who we are because of our past experiences throughout life and these challenging obstacles that we face make us stronger in the end. Lastly, the novel â€Å"Perks of Being a Wallflower†fits the common or otherwise known as the everyday definition of tragedy. In this novel there are many unfortunate events where Charlie is faced with many difficult situations of where he loses his loved ones and suffers. Starting off, Charlie suffers from the loss of his friend Michael and his aunt Helen. Michael was Charlie’s best friend in middle school and they were supposed to attend freshmen year together. He was one of Charlie’s only friend and they had a special connection as many best friends do. Aunt Helen was Charlie’s mom’s sister and Charlie’s favorite person in the world. She was the only one that ever gave him hugs and bought him two presents for his birthday every year. Susan was really close with Charlie but over the summer before high school was starting Susan got her braces off; she got prettier and got more developed. When high school started Susan was to cool for Charlie which tore their friendship apart. Charlie went through many devastating events in his childhood years and still managed to carry on with his life without losing hope and strength. Charlie faces many tragedies in his developing years of life such as the self-inflicted death of his best friend Michael, the death of his aunt Helen who was his favorite person in the whole world and many other devastating experiences which affected his life. Charlie kept strong and moved on with his life even after experiencing many sad events. He is a true hero in the novel because he has a great understanding of life and how to cope with uncomfortable situations as presented above. Bibliography: Chbosky, Stephen. the perks of being a wallflower. New York: MTV Books/Pockets Books,1999. Print. â€Å"Tragedy Quotes.† 7 Jan. 2013. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.
Global logistic and supply chain management -
Question: Discuss about the Global logistic and supply chain management. Answer: Introduction Logistics is the method through which organizations meet their objectives while still maintaining the customer needs in terms of movement, storage, and supply. However, this is a very complicated issue that basically involves a lot of comparisons and analysis. The company has to ensure that it does not compromise its objectives and has to ensure that it meets the requirements of the customer base (Chopra Meindl, 2007). A major company like Amazon does not consider competition but considers the customer base that it serves (Amor, 2000). Therefore, it has to ensure that there is a common base where the supply and the economics rest. All these factors ensure that any company has the capability to thrive in an otherwise very competitive industry. Every once and again, due to an increase in the competition or a change in the customer base, various companies are required to analyze their logistics and supply chain. It has been described that any successful organization may be required to leverage the resources that it may have with the reconstruction of the supply chain (Chopra, n.d.).In this, studies have indicated that the reconstruction may save the company about 25% of the costs that may be used in the distribution of supplies and commodities (Harrison, et al., 2003). Some of the major questions that may be involved in this redesign process include: services to the customers, need for shuffling inventories as well as the distribution locations among others. However, the factor of storage, as well as the costs incurred for the transportation from the production facilities to the consumer bases, has to be considered. One major factor that has to be considered in logistics and supply is the fact that the network should not be based on the size factor (Kersten, et al., n.d.).Therefore, the design and redesign are aimed at focusing on the customer needs without having to follow the shortest or longest path. However, with the increase in technologies and the availability of e-commerce, some of the paths that companies can take have been reduced in such a way that they are able to meet the individual needs of a consumer within a specified locality. E-commerce is an internet technology that enables consumers to order the commodities from their homes with the logistics and supply methodology of companies ensuring proper delivery (Laudon Traver, 2014). The second factor in the supply chain is the product type. Some products may be so fast moving that they may not require storage and can, therefore, move directly from the production facilities to the customer consequently saving the storage costs. On the other hand, some products may require storage because of the time is taken for the movement from the production facilities to the customer base. Therefore, the supply chain has to consider establishing storage facilities for these commodities. Transportation is a pivotal factor in ensuring that the customer base, as well as the storage, is met. Therefore, companies should focus more on being creative in the supply of commodities, both to the storage facilities and to the customers. The retail sector has seen unprecedented creativity whereby suppliers and retailers have come to the agreement that the transportation costs be shifted to the retailer. The move has seen a dramatic reduction in the costs incurred by the supplier but has the effect of increasing the costs incurred by the retailer (Furtwengler, 2015). All these are some of the approaches that can be used by the supplier to reduce the cost incurred. The supply chain Basically, the supply chain is the route that commodities and products take from their production to the final consumer. The route is not straightforward and as such, may constitute a variety of organizations and middlemen. The design of an effective and efficient chain, therefore, should be focused on the reduction or elimination of these middlemen because it reduces the time taken as well as the cost of the commodity. However, the supply chain depends on the logistic system for efficient delivery and supply. However, because of the interaction between the various intermediate members of the supply chain, there needs to be a management strategy. There are 4 determinants for a successful supply chain. However, it is very important to differentiate between a supply chain and logistics. The former refers to the various processes that are involved in commodity transfer from the producer to the eventual consumer through the various middlemen while logistics is the process or method used in ensuring that this supply is smooth and efficient (Monczka, et al., 2014). In this, the logistics work to ensure that the members are well conversant with each other and that the network is stable. The factors that promote or hinder the success of a supply chain include: the collaboration of the various members in the supply chain, the strategy used in the supply chain, information between the various members and the costs incurred in the supply chain (Napolitano, 2010) To begin with, the members involved in the movement of commodities from the manufacturer to the consumers are the most important determinants of the success of a supply chain. The trust, as well as the understanding between these members, is a requisite for a successful supply chain. In this, it is required that the members should have each others backs and should understand each other when it comes to the movement of goods and services. Members who may not be in good terms are not likely to result in a very efficient process while the members who have good mutual understanding, as well as trust, are likely to make the supply process very successful A strategy may be defined as the process employed throughout the supply chain and as such, strategies which focus on improving the efficiency and the cooperation between members is likely to have a positive output (Haksever Render, 2013). On the other hand, strategies that do not focus on the various parties involved in the supply chain are likely to have a redundant effect on the efficiency of service delivery. It is this factor that calls for the review and the redesign of the whole process for better service delivery. The other factor that affects the success of a supply chain is the availability of information. The supply strategy has to focus on availing information to every member of the supply chain by basically ensuring that he is up to date with the latest technology, inventories, strategies etc. By doing so, the cooperation and the trust between these members are enhanced and as such, prevent backlogging of activities. Finally, the supply chain should be cost effective and should consider the routes that focus on efficient service delivery as well as minimization of costs. It has been stated that the cost of supply of commodities from the producer to the consumer has to be put at a minimum while still catering for efficiency. The supply chain strategy A business entity is as successful as the strategies it employs in the distribution of commodities from the manufacturer to the consumer (Onder, 2014).Therefore, a supply chain strategy is a review of the components of the transfer of these commodities and include inventories, transportation, middlemen, sourcing, and planning. The review is aimed at ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the service delivery while the company ensures that its goals and objectives are attained. Furthermore, the company has to balance between demand and supply in the various regions that it serves. Transportation Transportation is a critical element in every company operations. Basically, there are two modes of transport that the company can employ when dealing with the distribution of the commodities: the inbound transportation and the outbound transportation (Bowersox, et al., 2007). The former refers to the process whereby goods and services are brought to the facility either for storage or manufacture while the latter refers to the movement of goods from the companies premises to the end consumer (Simon, 2009).Basically, the transportation can be through the normal transportation methods such as rail, road, air, sea etc. However, any company which wants to reduce the freight charges in the transportation has to ensure that there is bulk transportation and the method used is very effective. In this, rail transport has been widely emphasized because of the ability to transport commodities in bulk besides the means being very fast. However, the company has to consider several factors such as the distance to be covered, the location etc. Inventory Companies and organizations deal with the movement of goods from one region to another and as such, there need to be means through which these commodities are monitored. Furthermore, the inventory indicates the physical nature of commodities held and as such, provide valuable information in the supply chain strategy and management. Customer satisfaction is ensured by proper inventory management. The inventories define the stocks available and the stocks necessary to satisfy the consumer demands (Mangan, et al., 2008). There are basically three types of inventories: Cycle inventory, safety inventory and seasonal inventory. The first type of inventory refers to the management of commodities that are currently available for consumers and includes the goods that can be found in stock. On the other hand, safety inventory refers to the stock which the company holds onto without necessarily introducing to the supply chain so as to better prepare themselves because of unforeseen circumstances such as an increase in demand. Finally, the seasonal inventory refers to the bulk production of commodities in order to meet demands that may be brought about by seasonal variation, such as raincoats during the rainy season or various commodities required during festive seasons. It is thus a very important thing for companies to c onsider evaluating the strategies that are employed in inventory management. Sourcing Sourcing can be described as a management strategy that basically focuses on the individual members of the supply chain. In this, the strategy focuses on assigning various members the roles needed in the supply chain process. However, outsourcing may shift the roles served by different groups in the supply chain (Priester Wang, 2010). The design of a logistics network It is a fact that managers need to redesign the logistics network in such a way that it caters for efficiency as well as the consumer base. However, this should as per the; lowest costs possible. Costs are an impediment to every successful operation and as such, the task that befalls the manager is very complicated. The history for this review in logistics arises from previous organizational structures which reviewed their logistics operations within 5 years (Porter, 1985). As of late, the competition and the need to take control of the market has led to constant and intense logistic network reviews and redesigns. Some of the factors that have led to this change in the frequency with which the logistic network is redesigned include: change in customer bases, change in the labor trades, the costs that are associated with space, trade agreements, and supplier changes among others. Therefore, these determinants are essentially the features that need to be put into consideration when the manager is in the process of redesigning and restructuring the network. The main aim of the redesign is to change some of the basic factors associated with chain supply and which may include: inventory carrying, transportation costs, warehousing charges etc. Furthermore, the review basically focuses on specifics such as the location of facilities, the distribution capability of each facility, the relationship between the suppliers and the relative locations from each other among others. The proposed redesign strategy of the logistic network has been simplified into six steps. The first step in the redesign is to analyze the current network. In this, the route used is analyzed in terms of the facilities, transportation mechanisms and all other factors necessary for the movement of the commodity from the production stage to the final consumer. The stage is followed by the designing and the optimization of the network database.The third stage is to choose an alternative route that basically meets all the requirements of an effective logistic network. Later on, the proposed network is optimized through a network optimization tool. The later stages of the redesign include putting the model into practice and establishing the costs required. The final decision will determine if the network model can be used. Redesign of the logistics network In redesigning the logistics network, we basically have to focus on the demand/customer base and the costs required to meet this demand. Therefore, we arrange the demand in descending order with the aggregate that has the highest demand being the topmost consideration. According to the data, Germany has the highest demand (the data has been arranged for clarity). From the above data, the countries that need an efficient delivery system are: Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, Belgium, and Austria. All these countries have a huge consumer base. Basing the argument on the service levels, the 6 warehouses would be located in regions which require premium service L Kassel in Germany=7, bologna In Italy =4, Otzberg in Denmark=4, st.Witz in France=4, Mszczonow in Poland=3, Brussels in Denmark=3.By ensuring that the warehouse is located in the area that has the biggest consumer base, the money saved on transportation is tremendous. However, this has to be checked against the inbound as well as the outbound transportation costs Country Average Primary Transportation Cost from FW's to RDW /FTL shipment 1 Aprilia IT 1,493 2 Bologna IT 974 3 Brussels BE 1,039 4 Effretikon CH 1,143 5 Guntramsdorf AT 974 6 Kassel DE 1,214 7 Katowice PL 1,571 8 Lyon FR 929 9 Miramas FR 1,215 10 Mszczonow PL 1,429 11 Novara IT 864 12 Otzberg DE 1,021 13 Sesena ES 1,714 14 St. Witz FR 1,336 15 Subirats ES 1,357 16 Zaragoza ES 1,494 From the above table, the places with the least inbound costs are bologna=974, Lyon=929, Novara=864, otzberg=1021, Brussel=1039,kassel=2014 and Mszczonow=1429 The cost of warehousing can be described below Therefore, the warehouses would be as follows:st.wit in France which would be used to serve Belgium, France and the Netherlands consumer bases.The second warehouse would be located in Kassel and would be used to serve Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. The third warehouse would be in Bologna which would basically be used to serve the customer base in Italy.sesena in Spain would be used to serve the customer base of Spain. Mszczonow in Poland would be used to serve the customer base of Poland and Lithuania. Basically, all the other countries will be served from these warehouses because the transportation costs would be far less than those incurred in constructing a warehouse as well as the inbound and outbound transportation. Basically, the logistic costs are those incurred during the inbound transportation as well as the outbound transportation. Furthermore, these costs include the costs of storage and can be determined from the tables below. Housing Cost Handling Cost Country /ton total cost /ton 1 Aprilia IT 38 78 40 2 Bologna IT 58 93 35 3 Brussels BE 75 150 75 4 Effretikon CH 69 123 54 5 Guntramsdorf AT 50 96 46 6 Kassel DE 62 117 55 7 Katowice PL 80 120 40 8 Lyon FR 65 130 65 9 Miramas FR 69 134 65 10 Mszczonow PL 80 122 42 11 Novara IT 58 89 31 12 Otzberg DE 60 115 55 13 Sesena ES 55 95 40 14 St. Witz FR 85 166 81 15 Subirats ES 69 119 50 16 Zaragoza ES 69 114 45 1 within 24 h 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 2 within 36 h Country AT AT BE CH CZ DE DE DE DE DK ES ES ES ES PT FR FR FR FR FR HU IT IT IT IT IT LT LV NL 1 Aprilia IT 2 Bologna IT 1 1 1 1 3 Brussels BE 1 1 2 2 1 4 Effretikon CH 5 Guntramsdorf AT 6 Kassel DE 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 Katowice PL 8 Lyon FR 9 Miramas FR 10 Mszczonow PL 1 1 11 Novara IT 1 2 1 1 1 12 Otzberg DE 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 13 Sesena ES 2 2 1 2 1 14 St. Witz FR 1 2 1 1 1 15 Subirats ES 16 Zaragoza ES The service levels obtained by restructuring the logistic network The focus of this redesign was basically in the most appropriate locations. 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